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The Elephant Group Properties

Masters House

1173 Budapest, Összekötő utca 1

Project value: € 8,559,781

Plot size: 27,365 sqm

Bulding size: 10,946 sqm

Building Rights: 0 sqm

Type: Income producing

Usage: Office & Storage

Status: Developed and Sold

Project description

Location: 1173 Budapest, Összekötő utca 1.

Budapest XVII. district, on an area of 2.7 hectares, superstructures of around 11,000 sqm.

The construction of the House of Masters site began in 2007. After the demolition of some of the old, outdated buildings and the construction of new utility networks, new warehouses and offices were invested. Three 1,854 m2 warehouse buildings and one 1000 m2 two-storey office building were built. Renovation of the old buildings that can still be used has also been completed. Within the new warehouse buildings.


To contact our team

please call or email us:

Office: 75 Prodromou Av. Nicosia  Cyprus
Post: P.o.b 42442 Larnaca 6534 Cyprus
M: +357 99 037 154


Office: H-1173 Budapest, Összekötő str. 2
T: +36-1-808-9000
F: +36-1-808-9033
M: +36 30 5421791
M:+972 58 444 2521 


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