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The Elephant Group of Companies

Elephant group of Companies was established in 2003 by a group of Hungarian and foreign investors.

The owners of the group have various activities in Hungary and abroad in real estate development for residential and commercial purposes as well as agricultural, raw materials, banking and many others.

The Hungarian residential real estate development operations, is owned by Elephant Holding Zrt.


Our Vision

To be Hungary's premier real estate development company.


  • Customers and partners will see us as integral to their success. We will anticipate their needs and deliver on every commitment we make.

  • People will be proud to work at Elephant. We will create opportunities to achieve the extraordinary, and we will reward success.

  • Communities will regard us as responsible and responsive. We will integrate global and local perspectives, promote sound management of resources, and contribute to a better quality of life.




We will continue to be privately owned by active management and guided by firmly held values.


  • Ethics. Uncompromising integrity, honesty, and fairness are at the heart of our company.

  • Excellence. We set high standards. We apply advanced technology, and we continually innovate and improve. We thrive on challenge and accomplishment.

  • Fair Return. We earn a return that fairly rewards the value we deliver.

  • Mutual Respect. We work by our leadership covenants, which encourage openness, teamwork, and trust. We value an inclusive culture based on diverse backgrounds, experience, and views.

  • Safety. Zero accidents is our unwavering goal people's lives depend on it.

  • Sustainability. We plan and act for the future for the long-term good of our company, our customers, and our world.



Leadership Covenants


  • Treat Elephant colleagues with mutual respect, trust, and dignity and believe they are acting in the best interest of the company.

  • Help each other; ask for and give help and welcome it freely (it is not a sign of weakness). Go out of the way to provide extra support to fellow employees. Share experiences and lessons learned, both successes and failures.

  • Communicate early, honestly, and completely with all who have a direct interest in the subject. Listen to others? points of view.

  • Earn trust by accepting and honouring agreements, keeping promises, and discussing needed changes before acting.

  • Work to understand Elephant Group goals and strategies and proactively support them through discussions, communications, and actions (for example, sharing resources).

  • Never undermine colleagues directly or indirectly.

  • Work jointly to resolve disagreements in good faith. If necessary, go to a higher authority together, then accept and support the solution.

  • Contribute constructively by exercising the highest level of professional and ethical behaviour.

  • Promote continuous use of the covenants.

To contact our team

please call or email us:

Office: 75 Prodromou Av. Nicosia  Cyprus
Post: P.o.b 42442 Larnaca 6534 Cyprus
M: +357 99 037 154



Office: H-1173 Budapest, ÖsszekötÅ‘ str. 2
T: +36-1-808-9000
F: +36-1-808-9033
M: +36 30 5421791
M:+972 58 444 2521 


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Copyright © 2021 Elephant Holding Zrt.

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